BrAva Children

Ava Nichols

Bridget Crock

Brinley Boyd

Taryn Jorvig

Khloe Casto

Jensen Ford

Billy Reed

Hazel Miller

Mitchell Hopkins

Zeke Cabigon

Peyton Hubal

Steven Goddard
Ava Nichols
Ava loved the music of Taylor Swift, the color pink, her devoted parents and toe socks. She was born to perform and never missed a chance to sing, dance and light up a room.
In late March 2010, our happy, beautiful four-year-old Ava was diagnosed with a diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG), an inoperable tumor in her brain stem. The only child of young parents, Ava quickly became the sweetheart of her small, rural community.
Mere weeks after her diagnosis, Ava was accepted into a clinical trial at St. Jude ChildrenResearch Hospital.
She and her parents spent six weeks trying to get a jump on her aggressive cancer with the standard course of radiation and an added trial of chemotherapy drugs. After returning to her hometown in late May, Ava continued on chemotherapy at home for nearly two years.
In May of 2011, Ava suffered a stroke and went home to recover enough to attend school a couple hours a week in a wheelchair with her mama by her side, though she never recovered her ability to speak or walk on her own.
Through it all, she was an inspiration and a blessing, and she “fought like a girl,” as her country theme song goes.On March 13, 2012, just ten days shy of the two-year mark of her diagnosis, our girl, Ava Cole, earned her wings. In her short, six-and-a-half year life, Ava made such a difference. She was a warrior and a teacher. She lived her life out loud and was heard by so many.We would give back all the positive things that came from her diagnosis and more to have her here with us still. Please join us in the fight against pediatric cancer so that those who are still fighting have a better chance, and so that we can save every last child from fighting in the first place.
Bridget Crock
Bridget Crock was born August of 2006 and is a wonderful little girl who is loved by many.
At 17 months, Bridget Crock was diagnosed with pneumonia, and wrongly so. None of the doctors treating her knew of the rare genetic cancer called Pleuropulmonary Blastoma, through no fault of their own, as there was very little known in 2008 about this childhood cancer. After 7 months of extended hospital stays, five surgeries, countless x-rays, therapies, CT scans and finally a removal of the portion of the lung affected by this “incurable cyst”, Bridget was diagnosed correctly. She had Type 2 PPB which comes with a very aggressive treatment regime using harsh and potent chemotherapy, and only a 50% survival rate.
In January 2009, Bridget had her entire left lung, the lining around her lung, part of the lining around her heart, and a portion of her chest wall removed. More importantly, she had all of her cancer removed as well. Bridget completed treatment in July of that year and in August 2009 she celebrated her third birthday.
Today, Bridget is a vibrant, intelligent six year old and survivor, known for her constant smile and courage that would humiliate the strongest of adults. She is big sister to Anna, who was born while Bridget underwent treatment. Anna also carries the same genetic mutation that caused Bridget’s cancer and gets scanned every three months. As of today, Anna shows no signs of disease.
Since 2008 we have seen vast strides in the research for PPB. The PPB Registry has been around since 1970 and Bridget is number 288 to join the study. Since Bridget’s diagnosis we have seen many more children diagnosed correctly, more doctors aware of the disease, an increase in survival rate due to earlier detection, and increase in funding due to the discovery of the Dicer 1 gene mutation, which means an increase in research abilities.
The entire Crock family is part of the National Cancer Institute’s study of PPB and is paving the way with protocol for siblings carrying the Dicer 1 mutation. Bridget and her mom, Desni, attended a congressional hearing in Washington D.C. to help pass the Healthcare Reform Bill forbidding insurance companies from denying coverage of those with pre-existing conditions. There they met with members of congress and the press and told her story. Bridget has attended every Relay for Life in her home county since her birth in 2006, but will be walking the survivor lap for the fourth time this year. Finally, Bridget is the inspiration for the “Br” in “BrAva” bringing awareness for the need for increased funding for childhood cancer research and raising money for local families currently living through the trials of childhood cancer. Our hope is that one day, it will no longer be needed which is why we say, “Until there is a cure!”.
Taryn Jorvig
“Only i can change my life. No one can do it for me”
Taryn Jorvig was a vibrant soul whose brief journey on earth left an indelible mark on the hearts of those who knew him. Born into a loving family, Taryn shared an unbreakable bond with his sister Ericha and his four brothers, Sage, Kellyn, Jakobe, and Osiris. His zest for life was evident in his passion for outdoor activities; he cherished every moment spent riding bikes, scooters, and hoverboards. A tech enthusiast at heart, Taryn also found joy in playing his PlayStation, a pastime that brought him immense pleasure.
One of Taryn’s most cherished memories were the car rides with his dad, where they would dance together, creating moments of light and happiness amidst the challenges of his hospital visits.
Taryn’s battle with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma with Bone Marrow Disease was fought with the same courage and positivity that he approached life with. Although his time was cut short, the memories he created, the love he shared, and the joy he brought to his family will forever be treasured. Taryn’s legacy is a reminder of the preciousness of each moment and the enduring power of love.
Brinley Boyd
Brinley was diagnosed with pre-B Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and CNS Leukemia in October 2014, at the age of 3. She has had to endure an even more intense treatment plan than most. She had to total brain irradiation to treat the CNS leukemia at the James Solove Cancer Center in March 2016. Sadly, in September 2016, she relapsed when she was halfway through maintenance therapy.
Brinley had several complications, including central line infections, recurrent c-diff infections, and the worst being a very rare auto immune disease called Sweet Syndrome, caused by a drug she was given to boost her immune system after receiving intense chemotherapy. She was one cycle of chemo away from once again reaching maintenance therapy in November 2017, when she was diagnosed with MDS (myelodysplastic syndrome) because of the treatment she received for leukemia. The only chance at a cure for MDS is a transplant. After having a marrow drive and searching the BeTheMatch registry, there were no 100% matches for B, but on February 2, 2018, Brinley received a HAPLO 50% match stem cell transplant from her mommy!
Despite her journey, she still smiles her million-dollar smile! B’s motto is “you gotta do what you gotta do.” Brinley LOVES love and shares it with those around her through her best friend…her favorite blankie. She pulls “fuzzies” off of blankie and shares them with security guards, nurses, cleaning staff, and anyone who she feels may need snuggles and love.
Cancer has physically changed Brinley’s little body drastically. She has many physical and emotional scars. But it has NEVER dulled her shining spirit and determination! She is the epitome of ‘never quit!’ She wants to work at Nationwide Children’s when she grows up…one day in the cafeteria, one day in the gift shop, and one day with her nurses and pca’s. She’s always looking forward and always has a plan. She is our sunshine girl!
Khloe Casto
Khloe Nikole Casto, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) after battling various infections and illness for months. These bouts included a bad UTI that she couldn’t seem to kick, allergies that wouldn’t let up, earaches and fevers.
On July 31, Khloe told her mom Sara that her throat hurt, and Sara noted a small visible bump. After scheduling Khloe a doctor’s appointment for August 2, Sara noted the bump swelled to the size of a walnut. Over the next day, the bump turned into a golf-ball-sized lump on the right side of her neck. Just hours before the appointment, Khloe’s family rushed her to the hospital with a fever of more than 103. That long day led to meds, the doctor’s appointment, blood work, a return trip to the hospital and, finally, a transfer to Morgantown.
On August 3, a bone marrow biopsy confirmed that Khloe had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Sara said their lives changed that day. Sara’s husband is a disabled army veteran and stay-at-home dad with medical issues himself, so Sara quit her job to take on the care of both Khloe and her husband, when needed.
Khloe had been an outgoing, positive, kind little girl who loved dance and loved her friends, but the diagnosis left her concerned she was going to die. To help erase some of Khloe’s insecurities when she lost her hair, her family and friends shaved their hair with her.
Khloe was still in treatment in spring 2019 and is currently in remission.
Jensen Ford
Jensen Allen Ford was born November 27, 2018. When he was a month old, he started showing signs of changing from a happy little baby to a miserable baby. He also had a weird “knot” on his head. After battling locally to try to figure out what was wrong with him for a month, Jensen and his parents went to Nationwide Children’s Hospital. After hours of tests, Allie and her husband learned that Jensen had Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Jensen had surgery the next day to get his brovia, a chest tube, which was supposed to take an hour. But hours later, Allie learned that Jensen had stopped breathing and was on a ventilator. He was on that ventilator for a week and a half, and, during that time, he began getting chemotherapy. In total, he had six rounds of chemo in ten months.
On May 3, Jensen had a bone marrow transplant, which his body fought for several days. But once it was accepted, Allie says she had a brand-new baby. A month went by, and then Jensen and his family were sent to the Ronald McDonald House for June and July. Allie remembers June 19, 2019, as one of the happiest days of her life when Jensen was able to ring the bell, indicating that he was CANCER FREE!
Unfortunately, that only lasted until August 26, when the family was told that Jensen had relapsed. Again, Jensen began chemotherapy. He managed to get out of the hospital in October, and Allie and her husband decided to take Jensen on vacation to Boone, North Carolina, where Jensen loved life outside and the family made so many wonderful memories with him.
Upon returning to the area, it was time for Jensen to try radiation. Although Allie had initially been told he was too young, it was a last resort. On November 4, the family traveled to OSU for radiation and chemo. Allie says Jensen was never the same from that day forward, and that his condition worsened as the days went on. On November 7, he had a HAPLO, or blood-related bone marrow transplant, which he received from his dad. Unfortunately, Jensen also contracted adenovirus, which meant he couldn’t fight it on his own and would need another transplant. This time, Allie served as his donor and contracted the virus. As the days and went by, he just continued to grow sicker and developed veno-occlusive disease, which affected his liver.
On November 27, Jensen and his family celebrated his first birthday in the PICU. On November 29, they were told the HAPLO transplant took and that his body was accepting it! But Jensen was so sick at that point that nothing was going to help him.
On December 1, Allie and her husband met with Jensen’s doctors and were given the choice of going back to the 12th floor (oncology and BMT floor) or going home.
They went back to the BMT floor where Allie called family to say goodbye to Jensen. Everyone arrived on December 2, when they were able to spend time as a family. Allie remembers December 4 feeling like a weird and strange day but also remembers that Jensen opened his eyes for the first time in what seemed like forever and looked at her.
A few hours later, at 9:09 p.m., Jensen, who was surrounded by his family, took his last breaths in his mother’s arms.
Billy Reed
William “Billy” Reed was born April 6, 2003, a healthy, but scrawny baby boy. Throughout his childhood, Billy was “gifted,” and he breezed through middle school and his first year of high school with very little effort.
During their family vacation in the summer of 2018, when Billy was 15, the family’s lives changed forever. Three days into the trip, what several local dentists thought was an “infection” popped out of Billy’s cheek, showing an obvious deformity to his face.
Just a few days later, Billy was diagnosed with Synovial Sarcoma, which is so rare that only one or two cases a year are seen at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. The tumor was removed at the James Cancer Center. Billy was out of the hospital in 11 days, earlier than expected. A warrior.
That didn’t stop Billy though. He worked fast food, went to school, and even got accepted into WVU’s School of Engineering. Billy had one half of a lung removed and his other lung “cleared.”
An amazing clinical trial was being brought to the James for Synovial Sarcoma patients. If the trial worked, Billy would be able to go to college with NO treatments.
Unfortunately, while undergoing treatment as part of the trial, Billy suffered a global hypoxic brain injury. Billy spent three weeks in the Hospice ward before passing away Oct. 22, 2021.
Mitchell Hopkins
Mitchell Hopkins’s journey started in 2018, after his mother Marina voiced concerns to his pediatrician that Mitchell was struggling to gain weight and grow. Mitchell was four years old and was referred to genetic, endocrinology and neurology. Genetics was up first; they did a bone age scan, and discovered his bones were the size of a three-year-old’s bones. Next, neurology ordered an MRI of his brain and spine.
Marina remembers that they arrived to those scans on time and with the entire family, which included Mitchell’s dad and two sisters, who were two years old and five months old. She also says that day, December 18, 2018, is a day she will NEVER forget, as they arrived when the clinic opened and were still there in the waiting room at closing time.
The monitor showed Mitchell in recovery for a long time, and Marina remembers that when they were finally ushered in to a small room, she knew something was wrong and lost it. The neurologist came in and told them a 10-centimeter mass had been found in Mitchell’s stomach.
They were immediately admitted to the oncology floor at Nationwide Children’s. Marina remembers a whirlwind of emotions, especially since they had their 2-year-old and 5-month-old daughters along. Mitchell and his family were there for a week, during which Marina was in constant contact with his pediatricition, Dr. Renee Caslow, who is here tonight.
Dr. Caslow connected Marina with BrAva, which she said was a Godsend. She remembers the financial support and being able to talk to other moms who had been in her shoes before was so amazing.
Mitchell had surgery to remove the mass on January 4, 2019. Althought they were unable to remove it whole, surgeons were able to go through his bladder and remove it in stages and were confident they got it all.
After another week in the hospital, Mitchell finally got to go home. However, when he went back for a checkup and to get the stints out of his bladder, Mitchelle was re-admitted for a double kidney infection, resulting in another week and a half hospital stay.
Surprisingly, Mitchell did not need chemotherapy or raditiona. For the past three years, Mitchell has had many follow-up appointments and scans, but was able to say goodbye to his oncologist this past December.
Marina says she has no idea what she would’ve done without her husband, her sister Desiree for helping with our older daughter and coming to get the baby for baths and much-needed breaks, for her amazing friend Sarah, and for the BrAva team and local community my heart is completely. Marina says, don’t let anyone try to tell you they know what’s wrong with YOUR child, and says that if she had not listened to her GUT, they would not have discovered Mitchell’s neuroblastomic mass.
She wants you to remember to kiss your babies when you get home tonight!
Hazel Miller
Hazel Miller was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on Easter weekend in 2017. She loves yellow and enjoys spending time with her family. Her favorite food is macaroni and cheese, she is best friends with her dog named Serenity, and her favorite place on earth is on a beach with sand between her toes and the salty wind in her hair. Hazel is rambunctious, rowdy, and inquisitive, with a tender love of life that stems from pure imagination and an untainted wonder for the world around her.
Hazel has endured round after round of chemotherapy, countless operations, and constant poking, prodding, and testing. Hazel’s cancer journey has been more positive than some, but by no means easy. She has lost the beautiful locks of bright, cherry red hair. Side effects of chemotherapy have left her weak and off-balance, unable to play with her siblings or even walk at times. Her immune system has been compromised. And yet, Hazel remains unstoppable. The spark in her eyes has never faded and the vibrancy of her life never waned as she has trod this difficult path laid before her.
Hazel’s journey with cancer is not yet over, but today the tide remains turned in her favor. Trips to the hospital are fewer and farther between, side effects are less drastic, and her life resembles what can be termed as “normal.”
Hazel is fiercely and recklessly loved by so many. Her life is good, her life is meaningful, and no disease – no matter how terrible – can rob her of that.
Peyton Hubal was the fourth and final addition to complete the Hubal family! Born on her great grandmother’s birthday, A healthy happy baby girl enjoying her family and friends everywhere she went.
Peyton was diagnosed with Pre-B Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in January 2017 at the age of just 18 months.
That February 1, Peyton started her first dose of chemo, and on the 29th day of induction she was still positive. Only 1% of children do not go into remission at this time, another setback and fear builder!
On the 19th day inpatient Peyton was finally cleared to go home, the first time she was together with all of her siblings.
Peyton’s treatment included early morning spinals, inpatient methotrexate stays, steroids and fever trips to the ER. Her entire body was changing and trying to heal small amounts at a time, trying to keep Peyton happy and healthy is all her family could do. In June 2017, Peyton was declared in remission.
Zeke Cabigon, or Bubba-Saurus-Rex as his family liked to call him, was born March 31, 2016. He loved his family and especially enjoyed playing with his older sister, Emmelyn. He enjoyed relaxing in the mornings, but loved being outside doing everything his little legs would let him.
In mid-December 2017, Zeke began experiencing health problems that had him in the ER and in the pediatrician’s office numerous times and finally at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus. It wasn’t long until a mass and bleeding inside the liver was found.
Zeke was diagnosed with a malignant form of cancer known as an ExtraRenal Rhabdoid Tumor in the liver. He spent the next several months at Children’s Hospital undergoing medical procedures, receiving blood products every 24-72 hours.
Kayla says that throughout this entire journey, Zeke never gave up or quit. He always had a smile on his face. Whenever times got hard, Zeke’s smiles and hugs would always come to the rescue.
On December 20, 2016, Steven Goddard was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. He spent six days shy of three months in the hospital. Steven has had 38 surgeries since December 2016.
On April 14, 2017, Steven had a seizure that lasted 45 minutes. He was on life support for three days. On the third day, the doctors told his parents Steven wasn’t going to make it. Ashley went into his room and told him, “If you need to go, Mommy and Daddy understand. We will fight for you either way.” Steven woke up like that’s all he needed to hear.
Since that day, Steven has fought tooth and nail to overcome this bump in their lives.
Through all the chemo, blood transfusions and many IV’s, Steven has BEATEN this awful thing called cancer.
On January 5, 2019, Steven rang the bell for his final treatment and is finally done with therapy. Steven enjoys school and playing with his brother.